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Boys & Girls State

Boys State

Unknown Soldier Post #137 has pledged to sponsor an eligible Boys State candidate each year.  


The American Legion started the Boys State program in 1935 when Illinois chartered the first program. It was organized to counter the Fascist inspired Young Pioneer Camps of the time. Although times have changed, the American Legion still feels strongly that our nation’s young men and women should be knowledgeable about, and exposed to, the rights and privileges, the duties and the responsibilities of American citizenship. Currently, 49 states operate programs and although similar they differ due to their particular state and local governments.  The American Legion has certain qualifications for prospective Boys State citizens. 


Following are the recommended guidelines:


  • only males who have successfully completed their junior year of high school and who have at least one more semester remaining are considered

  • previous participants of a Boys State competition are not allowed to attend a second session

  • only those who illustrate leadership, character, scholarship, loyalty and service in their schools and community should be considered

  • merit and ability are the basis for evaluation during the actual citizens selection process


A high school junior interested in participating should contact the Post, (912) 437-6195, for application procedures.



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An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

- Benjamin Franklin


Girls State

American Legion Auxiliary Unit #137 has pledged to sponsor an eligible candidate to Georgia Girls State each year.   


Girls State began as one and two-day sessions in the late 1930s. Washington D.C. and Delaware are credited with first executing the program. In 1939, Girls State was expanded to make it a week-long government education program. Since 1948, it has been a regular part of the Auxiliary's Americanism curriculum.  For more than 50 years, the American Legion Auxiliary has succeeded in giving these girls the finest citizenship training program possible. The program has grown from a few hundred participants to nearly 20,000 Girls State delegates annually.


Girls are eligible to attend Girls State if they meet the following criteria:


  • they have completed their junior year in high school

  • they are interested in government and current events

  • they have high moral character

  • they have strong leadership abilities

  • they have an above average scholastic standing


A high school junior interested in participating should contact the Post,

(912) 437-6195, for application procedures.

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