Submitted to the Darien News by Legionnaire Alan Gravitt 404-966-6375.
This article will hopefully spark a series of more stories that introduce the work of our many local organizations in hopes that others will be of service to our wonderful community.
The history of McIntosh County and the city of Darien span nearly 300 years. Our story today
tells of pride, citizen involvement, and community service in many civic organizations, churches, and businesses.

An early Boy Scout manual says, “As a scout moves around his community, he is always alert
for an opportunity to be of service.” This could well be the motto of Darien’s American Legion Post 137.
The American Legion was organized in Paris, France, in March 1919 by American veterans of
the First World War as they awaited transportation back home. Since then, the Legion has
continued its service with a vision to build a nation that is more proud and respectful of those who have sacrificed so much in the defense of freedom.
American Legion activities are based on the “Four Pillars” of veterans affairs and rehabilitation, children and youth, national security, and Americanism. Darien’s Post 137, “The Unknown Soldier”, has only 77 members but is known to punch above its weight in addressing those pillars.
The Post has generously donated over $16,000 plus more than 1400 hours of work to create
the soon to be opened Golden Isles Veterans Village. This village of “tiny houses” will provide secure living spaces for homeless veterans along with a full range of support services and counseling. It is not intended to be permanent housing but to provide reintegration into society for those who lost so much during their service and its aftermath.
You can contact them at or Golden Isles Veterans Village, Inc., PO Box 1884, Brunswick, GA 31521-1884. Donations and volunteers are gratefully accepted. The phone number is 203-470-5203.
Donate to Golden Isles Veterans Village here!
The students of McIntosh County and nearby areas are another Legion focus.
Boys and Girls State is a nation-wide American Legion program that provides a one week concentrated experience of government for rising seniors in high school. Prominent Americans who have participated in this program include Senator Tim Scott, Michael Jordan, Troy Aikman, Jon Bon Jovi, and Neil Armstrong. Post 137 has provided full scholarships for students from McIntosh, Long, and Glynn counties over the years.
Boys and Girls State Applications for summer 2025 will be accepted next February. For more information, contact Alan Gravitt at 404-966-6375. Learn More
The Legion also offers scholarships for McIntosh graduates who wish to attend technical
schools or similar non-4 year degree programs. Anyone interested contact Wally Schieferdecker at 1-860-790-1251 for details. Learn More
As a way to recognize veterans, past and present, Post 137 displays signs along North Way
during the period around Veterans Day. The signs feature veteran’s photos and details of their service.

For more information, contact Linda Gravitt at 912-832-4821 or
Scan or click the QR Code to order your sign now!
Other programs of the American Legion included providing emergency assistance to traveling veterans, placing flags annually on the graves of deceased McIntosh veterans, and participating in civic events such as Parti Gras, Blessing of the Fleet, and the Darien Fall Festival.
Post 137 invites all veterans, their children, wives and others to investigate involvement with the American Legion, the Legion Riders, Sons of the American Legion, and the Legion Auxiliary.
You can call 912-437-6195 or stop by Post 137 on Blount Crossing. Regular meetings are the
second Tuesday of each month at the Legion Hall. Fellowship starts at 6 pm and the meeting
begins at 7pm.